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Picture Lot number Description Symbol Starting price Sold price
1997 1997 EPIRUS: HELLENIC ADMINISTRATION (1/11) 12 values cpl. set. VF 230.00€ 600.00€
1998 1998 EPIRUS: HELLENIC ADMINISTRATION (1/3, 9), 1 lep., 2 lep., 2 lep., 3 lep. and 40 lep. all in corner B4 with inscription of the printer on the margin. VF 300.00€ Unsold
1999 1999 NORTHERN EPIRUS: HELLENIC ADMINISTRATION (1a, 2a, 3a, 5b), 1 lep., 2 lep., 3 lep., 10 lep., with double overprint. F 35.00€ Unsold
2000 2000 EPIRUS: HELLENIC ADMINISTRATION (12/15) 4 values cpl. set. VF 22.00€ 22.00€
2001 2001 EPIRUS: HELLENIC ADMINISTRATION (17, 19/25, 27, 29/30), 1 lep. - 50 lep. 11 values all signed by A. ZEIS. VF 50.00€ 115.00€
2002 2002 EPIRUS: HELLENIC ADMINISTRATION (35), 2 lep. carmine with overprint reading down. Signed by A. ZEIS. VF 10.00€ Unsold
2003 2003 Jannina Austrian P.O. (1857-1913) 1864 Entire Letter from Jannina to Palerno, cancelled with circular "JANINA 17/3", with black "FRANCO" and "PD" postage paid on the front. On the back transit cds "NAPOLI 27.3.64" and arrival cds PALERMO. VF 100.00€ Unsold
2004 2004 P.S.P.C. 20 pa./5 Kr. Austrian levant, posted from Preveza to Paris, dated 28.4.1900, cancelled with cds "PREVESA OESTERR. POST" (Vl. 13). F 40.00€ Unsold
2005 2005 P.C. franked with 20pa. Turkish stamp, cancelled with bilingual "AIDONAT (ΠΑΡΑΜΥΘΙΑ)" and arrival "JANNINA". RR and F 200.00€ Unsold
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